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发布日期:2024-03-16    浏览次数:
























[1] 高性能智能自修复聚氨酯材料的应用研究,苏州市重点产业技术创新前瞻性应用研究项目,2019/07-2022/06,主持;

[2] 基于无机/有机的自修复导电高分子材料结构设计、制备及自修复机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2015/01-2017/12,主持;

[3] 高阻尼纳米磁性橡胶的研制及其在建筑减震中的应用,住房和城乡建设部项目,2014/01-2015/12,主持;

[4] 基于仿生的自修复压阻型电子皮肤制备及应用研究,苏州市工业基础研究项目,2015/07-2018/06,主持;

[5] 绿色合成纳米零价铁复合材料及修复重金属铬复合污染土壤的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018/01-2020/12,参研;

[6] 近红外光响应的硫化物半导体与氮杂石墨烯构建Z型光电催化系统及其分解氨氮制氢的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016/01-2019/12,参研;

[7] 人工纳米材料对氮磷在土壤多孔介质中迁移转化的影响机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014/01-2017/12,参研;

[8] 人工纳米SiO2对磷在土壤多孔介质中迁移与转化的影响与机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014/01-2016/12,参研;

[9] 太阳能光电催化脱氮及降解有机污染物高技术产品的开发,省科技支撑计划(工业)项目,2015/01-2017/06,参研;

[10] 含凝胶内核的双层结构微球的构建研究与设备开发,苏州市工业基础研究项目,2015/07-2018/06,参研;

[11] 石墨烯的深度开发及智能光催化降解氨氮的应用研究,苏州市科技计划(纳米专项)项目,2015/01-2017/06,参研;

[12] 透明柔性电极材料制备与性能研究,大学生创新创业计划国家级重点课题,2017.05-2019.05,指导教师。


[1] 苏州科技大学拔尖人才成长计划资助,2020年;

[2] 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,2018年;

[3] 苏州科技大学优秀青年学术带头人,2017年;

[4] 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,2016年;

[5] 苏州科技学院优秀青年骨干教师,2015年;

[6] 苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才,2013年;

[7] 山西省优秀博士论文奖,2012年;

[8] 山西省高等学校科技发明二等奖,2011年;

[9] 山西省科技发明二等奖,2010年。



[1] Shaonan Li, Mengyue   Liu, Xing Zhou*, Yanmao Dong, Jihang Li, Self-Healing Polyurethane   Elastomer Based on Crosslinked-Linear Interpenetrating Structure: Preparation,   Properties, and Applications, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2021,   2000684

[2] Shaonan Li, Xing   Zhou*, Yanmao Dong, Jihang Li, Flexible Self-Repairing Materials for   Wearable Sensing Applications: Elastomers and Hydrogels, Macromolecular Rapid   Communication, 2020, 200044

[3] Bowen Zhao, Shaonan   Li, Xingzhang Liao, Jihang Li, Wujun Ma, Yanmao Dong, Xing Zhou*,   Yaqing Liu, Synthesis and Properties of Magnetic Self-Healing Polymers: An Effective   Method for Improving Interface Compatibility of Doped Functional Polymers,   ChemNanoMat, 2019, 5: 642-650

[4] Xing Zhou*,   Feng Cao, Jihang Li, Wei Shen, Jiali Liu, Synthesis of porous Co3O4/C/(Mg,   Ca)O nanocomposites by natural biological template for application in dynamic   damping absorption, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016(688): 354-361

[5] Xing Zhou*,   Feng Cao, Jihang Li, Feng Chen, Jiali Liu, Wei Shen, Three-dimensional cobalt   microspheres composed of nanosheets assembled via facile hydrothermal method,   Materials Letters, 2016(182): 269-272

[6] Xing Zhou*,   Wei Shen, Feng Cao, Jihang Li, Jiali Liu, Zongyuan Liu, Preparation of   hierarchical leaf-like cobalt and enhanced magnetic properties by a new   low-temperature synthesis method, Ceramics International, 2016(42):   12092-12096

[7] Xing Zhou*,   Zhengying Wu, Nan Xu, Shouqing Liu, Guizhe Zhao, Yaqing Liu, Synthesis and   electro-magnetic properties of flower-like Fe2O3-Ag   nano-composite using direct subsidence loading method, Functional Materials   Letters, 2015(8):1550013

[8] Xing Zhou*,   Yanmao Dong, Nan Xu, Shouqing Liu, Feng Chen, Template-free formation of   spindle-like alpha- Fe2O3 microstructures by hydrothermal   reduction, Materials Letters, 2015(158): 285-289

[9] Xing Zhou*,   Guizhe Zhao, Yaqing Liu, Uniform hollow magnetite spheres: Facile synthesis,   growth mechanism, and their magnetic properties, Materials Research Bulletin,   2014 (59): 358-364

[10] Xing Zhou*,   Guizhe Zhao, Nan Xu, Shouqing Liu, Zhengying Wu, Yaqing Liu, A facile   synthesis of flower-like α-Fe2O3/Cu nanocomposites and   their magnetic properties, Materials Letters, 2014 (132): 171-175

[11] Xing Zhou*,   Guizhe Zhao, Yaqing Liu, Fabrication of magnetic hematite flowers via   ethylene glycol-assisted method, Materials Letters, 2013 (95): 33-36

[12] Xing Zhou*Guizhe ZhaoHuijun NiuYaqing Liu*,   Mechanical and electrical properties of nanocomposites containing hybrid   fillers of disk-like copper and conductive carbon black, Journal of Materials   Science: Mater Electron, 2011 (22): 1737-1743

[13] Xing Zhou*,   Guizhe Zhao, Huijun Niu, Yaqing Liu, Chuang Chen, Shape-controlled synthesis   of copper particles with high electrical conductivity behaviours, Micro &   Nano Letters, 2011 (6): 269-272

[14] Xing Zhou*Youyi SunYong JiangYaqing Liu* Guizhe Zhao, Effect of   magnetic nanoparticles on damping property of nature rubber, Polymer Bulletin,   2011 (66): 1281-1288


[1] 发散思维与课堂教学文化,吉林美术出版社,15万字,第一主编;

[2] 化学化工教学与新能源材料,吉林科学技术出版社,10万字,第一副主编。


[1] 周兴,宋冠宇,沈伟,李珅,多孔四氧化三钴的应用,2017.09.05ZL201510565368.7 [1] [2] 周兴,宋冠宇,沈伟,李珅,自修复纳米导电聚合物材料及其制备方法,2017.07.21ZL201510565447.8

[3] 周兴,宋冠宇,沈伟,李珅,多孔四氧化三钴及其制备方法,2017.06.09ZL201510565383.1

[4] 周兴,宋冠宇,硫掺杂铁镍氧合金及其制备方法,2017.03.22ZL 201510565389.9

[5] 刘亚青,周兴,赵贵哲,柳学义,一种花状Fe2O3/Ag复合粒子及其制备方法,2015.09.02,中国,ZL201210159372.X

[6] 刘亚青,周兴,陈慧玉,赵贵哲,王晓峰,一种花状Fe2O3/Cu电磁功能复合粒子及其制备方法,2014.11.26,中国,ZL 201210158939.1

[7] 赵贵哲,周兴,刘亚青,王晓峰,一种控制四氧化三铁形貌与性能的方法, 2014.03.26,中国,ZL201210158461.2
